More Little Neer Goings-Ons

Ok,I was reading both of my sisters' blogs just now and feeling a little guilty about my lower frequency of blogs!!Now,of course,I have a whole lot to tell.I'll start w/ Fourth of July:
Fourth of July-this was a pretty relaxing holiday for us!!We stayed home w/ the kids all day,cooked out,blew up our own little Raytown permitted fireworks in our front yard and sat up late reading stories.Of course, we were all patriotically dressed as is customary.This was a great time of reflection on how blessed we are and how much we respect those who have sacrificed their lives for our freedoms.I am going to always srive to teach and remind my children of how blessed we are b/c of the sacrifices of brave men and women who have gone before and for us!!Thank you to all the grandparents that we have that have taught and been an example to us of this in their service!!We love you!!
Owen and Avery absolutely hate fireworks!!They did not be any closer than a mile from them!!They are deathly scared of the sounds of any fireworks!!they are even afraid of those cute little hens that just lay eggs making no sound at all w/ just pretty colored smoke coming from it.Avery always gets so excited about picking out and buying fireworks every year but once hey're lit,she does not want to be in ear shotof them.Me and the children spent about half the evening inside watching Evan and our neighbors blow up their fireworks all evening.But, that' s ok!!I enjoyed reading and talking to them.Ok,I'm going to attempt to strategically cut and paste my pictures for this topic right next to my paragraph.Here goes.....wish me luck!!
Owen and Avie's first boat ride-Owen and Avery went out on their first boat ride w/ their great grandpa Martin and Lola this past few weeks.We went to Pomme de Terre w/ Evan's mom,Tim and brother Adam.They thoroughly enjoyed themselves!!Owen was fascinated w/ the motor as he talked and squealed shrieking w/ excitement at it.Ithink this may just replace the vacuum cleaner as his best friend.Yes!!Owen has a fettish,he loves vacuum cleaners!!Our vacuum cleaner at home is the only toy and true friend thatOwen has.He happily marathon crawls over to it every morning proceeding to talk and pet it ever so cautiously!!He likes to drag it around by the hose and take it from room to room w/ him and is easily angered if his friend will not comply in being pulled from room to room w/ him!!Look out Kirby salesmen!!
Avery caught her first fish from the boat and decided to take herself a minnow home for a pet.The poor fish only survived hours after his luxury ride in the Ozark Water bottle w/ his plastic Nemo fish friend to accompany him.He was given a short,brief funeral afterward!!Avery is now being promised a new pet fish to replace this one but has not spoken a word since!!We stayed with Evan's grandpa Martin and Lola in their pad just outside of the lake.They have a really nice motor home that is housed inside a nice steel garage that has been converted into a living space.We roasted smores in a little bonfire and camped out in our tents.Uncle Adam(Evan's youngest brother)drove up in his new white Subaru Impreza that was perfectly polished for the trip.Uncle Adam graduated not too long ago fromRolla as a mechanical engineer.He is presently working for Halliburton Oil and resides in Oklahoma.I don't know if I spelled Halliburton right?Anyways, we are very proud of his accomplishments!!
Chandler's 3rd birthday was celebrated just recently also and had to post these cute pictures as he is living vicariously thru "OOperMan!!Check these pics out!!
Well, it looks like I've got some practicing to do w/ formatting my pictures and the extra strong cup of cofee that I drank early this am after my evening shift at the hospital is losing its'effect and I'll have to write back after the next cup of coffee!!Goodbye for now!!tiffany