Thursday, August 12, 2010
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Neer Summer
Owen just started soccer and picked out the loudest color of green shoes that he could!1He says these kicks make him run faster!!So far,he loves it and seems to be a pretty scrappy player!!He makes some pretty good kicks and is a real fast runner!!
Avery finished 3rd grade and is gearing up for her first homeschool year w/ 4h grade!!she's pretty excited about this new venture!!She's doing an online program as wel as still participating in the Challenge program at her old elementary school.She is also doing a one day a week program for homeschoolers that is an all day school setting.I've hard great things about the online program as well as he homeschool program.Definite changes afoot at the Neer household and praying for the Lord to give us wisdom in all these decisions!Avery started soccer as well and plays opposite days as Owen.We just went and got her some new clothes and other gear!!Whoa!Sports are expensive even w/ good discounts but both kids are enjoying so far!!